Daffodil Care Services
Compassionate & Quality Support for All
Daffodil Care is geared towards empowering vulnerable groups, families, and individuals to bring a positive change in the community. We offer comprehensive care and support programs to equip our community members with the skills, knowledge, and support they need to lead a fulfilling and independent life. Our goal is to touch and improve as many lives as possible. Learn more about our services that benefit individuals from all wakes of life.

Live-In Care
Daffodil live-in care services are a reasonable alternative to a care home, enabling you to stay in your own home for as long as possible. Our trusted and reliable carer lives with you in your own home and offers you support with daily living activities, companionship, personal hygiene, housekeeping, staying safe, attending medical appointments, and taking medication. Our professionals receive full pre-employment vetting to reach the standards you expect.

Respite Care
Respite care provides caregivers with short-term relief, giving them a chance to unwind. It can take place in a single afternoon or over several days or weeks. Care can be delivered in a variety of settings, including your own home, a care home, or an adult day centre. Daffodil Care provides vetted carers to look after the person either in their own home, Daffodil care home, or Daffodil Day centre. We offer a range of respite care options, including sitting service and short stays.

Domiciliary Care
We offer a range of expert domiciliary services to help people live independently. The goal is to promote independent living in the community. Our trained and experienced carers assist individuals who require additional support with daily living activities, including personal care, hygiene, and daily household activities, to promote quality of life and enhance wellbeing.

Community care support/ Live-in care/ Sitting service
We provide community care assistance for those who need care and support. Daffodil care promotes a holistic approach that entails working with a range of professionals, including social workers, medical professionals, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and dieticians. We also support vulnerable individuals who cannot live independently by providing re-enablement services. Assisted living is also available for older adults who require 24 hour support, and supervision in their own homes.

Supported Living
Daffodil Care provides supported living services to help individuals maintain independence and safety in their own homes. We aim to enable them to perform daily tasks without assistance, take control of their own lives, and become active members of their community. We promote a person-centred approach in supporting individuals to gain higher levels of inclusion, independence, and choice to live life on their own terms.

Domestic Support/ Decluttering service/ Pest control
Daffodil Care provides a range of cleaning and domestic services to streamline daily activities and lead an independent lifestyle. Our cleaning and domestic services include domestic cleaning, deep cleaning, pest control, shopping services, house clearance services, and de-clutter services. We also support hoarders who cannot return to their homes due to the risk of hoarding by providing accommodation, 1:1 sessions, de-cluttering, and cleaning their homes to get them ready to be discharged and go back home.

Personal care tailored to your needs
Daffodil Care provides all aspects of personal care, domestic/practical tasks, enabling and support work. Provision of personal care provided include washing, dressing, shaving, hair shampooing, bathing, changing incontinence pads, supporting with skin integrity, supporting with transferring for toileting, encouraging and prompting personal care activities, prompting medication.
Contact Daffodil today.
Tel: 01908608226
Email: [email protected]

Support from the age of 18
Daffodil Care gives care and support to young people transitioning into adulthood from the age of 18. We support young people struggling with personal care and independence by making sure they meet their daily activities. Daffodil also support by addressing issues such as joblessness, homelessness, physical or sexual victimisation, delinquency and lack of access to health care services. Daffodil Care provides help with managing daily living activities, money management, job search, and life skills. We also offer 1:1 key work sessions, advice, and emotional support.
Contact Daffodil today.
Tel: 01908608226
Email: [email protected]

Daffodil Care support for homelessness And Rough sleeping
With Daffodil Care, you will always have someone to rely on with support and care from the community. Daffodil care supports people who are homeless; Rough sleepers; and homeless young people going through transitions. Our innovative programmes are designed for social inclusion and building sustainable change. Daffodil care programmes promotes community engagement; confidence, self-esteem, and independence. Daffodil programmes are aimed at supporting individuals to develop abilities or to regain their abilities in order to take control of their lives in a more positive pathway. Daffodil programmes also help with gaining life skills; getting employment, practical training or education.
We strive to create positive environments and provide opportunities that encourage individuals to make new friends and gain social stimulation. Relevant information and advice are also provided to ensure every individual reaches their full potential and feels like a valued part of the community.
With Daffodil Care, you’ll always have someone to rely on for community support and care.
As a member of the Daffodil Care, you will also receive relevant counselling and advice to make sure you realize your position as a valued member of the community. Contact the Daffodil Care team today to become a part of our inclusive Daffodil Care Community.
Contact Daffodil for information relating to food; clothes and shelter.
Contact Daffodil today.
Tel: 01908608226
Email: [email protected]

Home from Hospital
Our specialist caregivers are trained to assist people recovering from surgery, injuries, or medical conditions. We understand that returning home after a long stay in hospital can be difficult and stressful. Therefore, we support young and senior adults struggling to live independently by providing in-house enablement or enablement in their own homes. Our enablement lets individuals regain functional abilities and lead autonomous lives.